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TILT36T ° is a creative innovation boutique that helps our partners find their truth through differentiation and brand storytelling. One vertical we specialize in is Higher Education and have created campaigns for 30+ colleges and universities helping them to becoming true courage brands.  Founder, Rob DeLuke, personally created many disruptive creative campaigns over the last 20+ years – including many for higher education clients as the SVP,  Chief Creative Officer at HotChalk and CCA (both higher education marketing specialists). In fact, most of those creative teams are now TILT36T° contract workers and employees – and share in the acquired talent and passion higher education demands. Each member of the Tilt36T° team is an expert in their field with deep insight into what drives people to choose who becomes part of their consideration set, along with the experience to ensure consumers can envision themselves becoming part of a brand through visual storytelling, leading to staunch brand loyalty. 
The team was tasked by NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, to launch one of the most unique & innovative Teacher Residency Programs throughout the lower 48, that gives students full-time paid residencies in high-need urban schools throughout the United States. The Masters of Arts In Teaching (MAT) allows for an immersion of real-time classroom teaching with the infusion of complete 100% on-line coursework. We took a 36T° approach to the project to engage school districts as partners and encourage young students aspiring to become teachers with a passion to give back to their community. We completed everything from a brand- inspired recruitment video, coinciding landing pages, a mobile app, recruitment collateral, school district summit invitations, posters, email nurture stream campaigns, and social media campaigns through new-age agile digital media campaigns. coinciding landing pages, a mobile app, recruitment collateral, school district summit invitations, posters, email nurture stream campaigns, and social media campaigns through new age agile digital media campaigns. 

©   TILT36T˚


P: 1.407.760.0025


Problem solving through radical creativity

All educational work on this site was completed in conjunction with HotChalk/CCA

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